UCC – Overview

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Details about this catalogue item

This easy-to-use eLearning module provides on overviewabout the Union Customs Code (UCC).

Course description

It focuses on key features, the impact on customs authorities and traders work and the main benefts for both. To fully benefft of the potential of this course, we recommend to integrate the course in your own training programme and to develop a full blended learning programme.

Target audience

All customs offcials and traders, who need to have a quick overview about the UCC legislation and its benefts.

Learning objectives

By the end of this 105-minute course you will have learned about: 
- the Union Customs Code (UCC) in general;
 -the UCC framework and its main procedures and benefits by each customs topic;
- the impact of the UCC on both the public and private sector.
- the timescales of the UCC transitions;
- the different legal acts of the UCC package: Delegated Act (DA), Implementing Act (IA) and Transitional Delegated Act (TDA). 

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