UCC Guarantee Management System (GUM)

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Details about this catalogue item

The Guarantee Management System (GUM) enables the monitoring and management of both individual and comprehensive guarantees valid throughout the customs territory of the Union, except for Union transit procedure which has its own Guarantee Management System in NCTS.

Course description

This eLearning module deals with specific customs topics related to the ‘UCC Guarantee Management System (GUM)’, that ensures effective and efficient management of the different types of guarantees by handling the registration, verification of the existence and validity of the guarantee reference amount, as well as its monitoring.

Target audience

This eLearning module is addressed to economic operators who are required to provide a guarantee for their import or export operations and customs officials dealing with the management and monitoring of guarantees.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course, you will be familiar with:

  • The basic principles of guarantees and key concepts;
  • The GUM System and its different components;
  • Different business scenarios or use cases in the context of GUM; and
  • The information flow between the central guarantee management component and the national guarantee management components (for customs officers).

To benefit fully from the course and to achieve the learning outcomes, it is recommended to integrate it in your own training programme and develop a blended learning strategy. 

Course duration

Depending of the role of the course you follow, it takes to complete:

  • Economic Operator role: around 2.5 hours
  • Customs Officer role: around 3.5 hours


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