CBAM Webinar: Iron and Steel sector

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Details about this catalogue item

This is the recording of a live webinar provided by the European Commission on 05/10/2023 on the transitional period of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, rules, implications and reporting requirements for importers, exporters and producers of iron and steel from the EU and third countries. The live session was followed by a Questions/Answers session. The replies to these questions will be added to the FAQ section of the CBAM website.


The presentation shown during the webinar was slightly updated after the event. The presentation to be taken into consideration is the one available below the recording.


  • to present the CBAM and the timeline for its implementation;
  • to explain the main criteria for calculating relevant CBAM emissions in the iron and steel sector and the main reporting obligations;
  • to provide a snapshot of the IT system for the reporting;
  • to address any outstanding questions that participants may have after having watched the dedicated eLearning module.

Expected outcomes

Following the webinar will allow you to gain a clear understanding of the concept of CBAM and procedures to follow for the iron and steel sector.



Additional information

CBAM website
FAQ and Factsheets
Guidance documents

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