Proof of Union Status System for Economic operators

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Details about this catalogue item

The Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system is the IT system for managing, storing, and consulting proofs of the customs status of Union goods. The PoUS system allows customs authorities to store and exchange proof of Union status document data across the EU, and it allows economic operators to interact with customs officers of any Member State in a consistent way. This electronic infrastructure will refine the processes related to the proofs of Union status of goods.

Course description

Thanks to this eLearning course, you will become familiar with the PoUS system and the legal framework in which it fits, learn how it works and understand when and how to use it.
Moreover, you will be shown two case stories to get an overall view of the business process related to proof of Union status.
You will also be presented with six hands-on activities about the interface and functionalities of the system, that will prepare you to real-life use cases.

Target audience

This eLearning module is addressed to economic operators across the EU.

Learning objectives

The global objectives of the eLearning module are:
  • To understand the legal framework concerning the proof of Union status and learn when and how it applies;
  • To acquire a solid understanding of the PoUS system and its interoperability;
  • To familiarise with the PoUS system in order to manage the business processes for obtaining and presenting a proof of Union status through the electronic procedure.
To benefit fully from the course and to achieve the learning outcomes, it is recommended to integrate it in your own training programme and develop a blended learning strategy.

Course duration

The time required to complete the course is around 45 minutes.


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