Регистриран извозник - РЕИ

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This easy-to-use eLearning module is one of the courses from an extensive UCC EU eLearning programme.

Course description

On the one hand, this course guides you through the new legal provisions for trading goods under the GSP scheme of the EU and the related procedures. On the other hand, upon completion of the course, you will be able to confidently work with the REX system in accordance with his role and responsibility in the REX process flow. Although this course focusses on explaining how the REX system applies to trade between GSP beneficiary countries and the EU, it may equally apply to other GSP schemes or preferential arrangements and even more be enlarged to preferential trade agreements. To fully benefit of the potential of this course, we recommend to integrate the course in your own training programme and to develop a full blended learning programme.

Target audience

Customs professionals in the public and private sector from the EU and beneficiary countries dealing with customs matters related to trading goods under the GSP scheme with the EU or other preferential arrangements and trade agreements.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course, you will have learned about:
- what a registered exporter is,
- when the REX system applies,
- the impact REX has on your activities and
- the processes that have to be followed in the REX system.
You will also be able to confidently use:
- the REX system depending on your role.

Course duration

The course takes 1 to 2 hours depending on your profile and role in the various REX process flows.


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Version: 01
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Version: 01
16 December 2021