New video: Testimonials from Tax and Customs Professionals on DG TAXUD EU Training Initiatives

In close cooperation with national Customs/Tax administrations, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) embarked on a mission to support administrations by optimising the  education and learning capacity of their staff. In close cooperation with national Customs/Tax administrationsa series of ambitious initiatives and activities were developed:  Customs & Tax EU Learning  Portal, eLearning modules, Common Learning Events Programme (CLEP), webinars, TAXEDU, and Competency Frameworks for Taxation and Customs (  TaxCompeu, and CustCompeu).

The national tax and customs authorities representatives explain how the Customs and Tax EU training initiatives help to build the skills and competencies of the officials and drive success since 2014 and up to now.

You can download this video from Audio-visual portal: EC AV PORTAL (