CLEP "Customs laboratory training on cast iron"


12 February 2025 9.00 - 13 February 2025 13.00 UTC

ART code


Short description

The German Customs Laboratory in Cologne is offering to organise and host a practical training session on cast iron.

Domain / Area



Cologne, Germany

Application deadline

8 January 2025, 17.00 (UTC +1.00) Europe/Brussels



Number of participants


Number of participants / country



The training session will presumably take place on 12 and 13 February 2025, over 1.5 days, and for 10 to 12 participants maximum (chemists or laboratory technicians willing to gain experience).

The training session will start with a theoretical presentation on the analysis of cast iron. It will be followed by practical hands-on training in the lab, with analyses on cast iron by Spark EOS and metallography (embedding, polishing, microscopy).

The objectives of the session are to gain practice on the analysis of cast iron and to be able to define the correct tariff classification (essential for anti-dumping duties). 

Participants will have the possibility to bring their own samples of interest and/or problematic samples.

The aim of the present call for interest is for the CLEN laboratories/members to indicate whether they would like to be invited to this training session. 

The participants have been already selected by CLEN-TAS, Eurofins.

Profile of participants

Participants should be members of the CLEN-community and/or scientific laboratory personnel (but no predominantly administrative, technical or management staff). The participants have been already selected by CLEN-TAS, Eurofins in November.


Subject matter experts

The CLEP has ended on 13 February 2025, 13.00 (UTC +1.00) Europe/Berlin