CLEP on Customs Control of Trucks at BCPs
16 April 2024 9.00 - 18 April 2024 17.00 UTC
ART code
Short description
The training relates to the main types of trucks. Exercises are organized in a real environment. Customs officers participating in the training will be acquainted to the safe and proper use of the tools and the different special features stemming from the different build and power of the vehicles. The training provides advanced knowledge for customs control of trucks. The training focuses specifically on the procedure of the control of trucks at BCPs, the customs documents, structures of big trucks and on safe methods to perform physical controls. The training includes also other aspects of vehicle technique.
Domain / Area
Záhony border crossing point
Application deadline
8 March 2024, 17.00 (UTC +1.00) Europe/Brussels
Number of participants
Number of participants face-to-face
The improved customs controls capability and performance standards of customs can reinforce security and safety within the Union. Also the filtering out of goods, which are harmful to the citizens, the society, and nature or in general, means more safety and security in Europe and in the global context.
The training relates to the main types of trucks. Exercises are organized in a real environment. Customs officers participating in the training will be acquainted to the safe and proper use of the tools and the different special features stemming from the different build and power of the vehicles.
The training focuses specifically on the procedure of the control of trucks at BCPs, the customs documents, structures of big trucks and on safe methods to perform physical controls. The training includes also other aspects of vehicle technique.
The objective of this training is to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and results of controls (operational procedures and working methods) at the EU's external land borders as well as in ports and in mobile controls. This training also aims to harmonise, raise customs performance standards, and improve common working practices.
Expected outcome
- Harmonisation of working methods and car search technique on EU level.
- Improved skills, more harmonised working practices and knowledge on customs control of trucks.
- Knowledge of the use of tools and technology used in truck search.
- Theory: (classroom)
- Presentations of The training focuses specifically on the procedure of the control of trucks at BCPs, the customs documents, structures of big trucks and on safe methods to perform physical controls. The training includes also other aspects of vehicle technique. procedure of customs control of trucks, truck search methods, risk analysis, training techniques, safety, methods of concealment, alternative fuels
- Discussions
- Videos
- Practice: exercises and 'Hands on' case studies on vehicles in a real environment
Working language
English - no interpretation is provided
Participant preparation
The course consists of an theoretical part and practical training.
The Truck Search course provided on the on the EU LMS gives a good induction for this training and participants should study it before participating this training.
A separate learning material will be provided to the selected participants before each training course by the trainers. The participants will have to study the material and answer to questions.Profile of participants
The training is targeted to Customs officers dealing with customs control of trucks
- Customs officials with sound knowledge and practical expertise on customs control of trucks
- Customs officials working in the field of the truck search (i.e. in mobile groups, ports, border crossing points)
The participants will be chosen based on their profiles as indicated in the application. Practical everyday experience in truck search is key for participating this training.
National trainers, Subject matter experts, Experts with teaching practice